Attitudes Toward Risk in a Changing Agricultural Marketing Environment
Mark Welch and David Lamie
Managing risk implies that decision-makers have some degree of choice or action by which they can influence the outcome of risky endeavors. The articles in this issue of Choices examine the efforts and tools agribusiness managers use to mitigate risk.
Brian E. Roe
This article presents descriptive statistics about the risk tolerance expressed by a national random sample of farmers, nonfarm business owners and the general population. Farmers are less tolerant of risk than nonfarm business owners, perhaps due to farmers' greater average age, but are more tolerant than the general population.
Mark Welch, David Anderson, John Robinson, Mark Waller, Stan Bevers, Rob Hogan, Steve Amosson, Dean McCorkle, Jackie Smith, and Emmy Williams
Since 2007, the environment for trading futures contracts has changed significantly. A survey of participants in the Texas A&M AgriLife Master Marketer program was taken to assess the degree to which the changing climate of futures trading is impacting their ability to implement price risk management strategies.