China as the Leading U.S. Agricultural Export Market
Holly Wang
This article provides the overview to a set of four articles on China as the leading U.S. agricultural export market. In these articles the authors focus on China's corn and soybean exports, meat and poultry markets, evolving trade and domestic support policy, as well as their overseas investment.
Bryan Lohmar
This article reviews some of the data deficiencies in understanding corn demand and supply in China with a focus on pork production. While there are many data uncertainties, it appears likely that China's corn feed demand growth will outpace future corn production growth and result in increasing corn import demand.
David. L. Ortega, H. Holly Wang, and Maolong Chen
With a rising appetite for meat, Chinese consumers are no longer focusing on domestic products. In this article, we discuss emerging markets opportunities for U.S. meat and poultry products in China.
Fred Gale
China and the United States have a growing trading relationship in agricultural products, but conflicts appear to be growing also. Chinese officials have signaled their intent to increase participation in global agricultural markets, but they will also actively intervene in markets to achieve food security, domestic stability, and related objectives.
Elizabeth Gooch and Fred Gale
In order to realize food security objectives and profitable investments, China endeavors to gain control over existing supply chains for imports while positioning Chinese companies to utilize untapped resources in less-developed countries. U.S. leaders in agriculture, business and government should be aware of this new development in agricultural markets.