A publication of AAEA

A publication of AAEA

Theme Articles

U.S. Agricultural Trade and ASEAN

3th Quarter 2024

Agriculture and Environmental Policy

4th Quarter 2023

Turmoil in Global Food, Agricultural, and Input Markets: Implications of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

3rd Quarter 2023

Farm Stress

1st Quarter 2023

Making It Count: Applying Science to Support Universal Broadband

3rd Quarter 2022

The Economics of U.S. Aquaculture

4th Quarter 2021

Rural Development Implications One Year after COVID-19

3rd Quarter 2021

Agricultural Market Response to COVID-19

3rd Quarter 2021

Trends and Challenges in Fruit and Tree Nut Sectors

2nd Quarter 2021

Functional Foods: Fad or Path to Prosperity?

4th Quarter 2020

COVID-19 and the Agriculture Industry: Labor, Supply Chains, and Consumer Behavior

3rd Quarter 2020

Amplifying the Rural Voice: 2020 Census Challenges and Opportunities

1st Quarter 2020

The Economic Impacts of Trade Retaliation on U.S. Agriculture: A One-Year Review

4th Quarter 2019

Pollination Service Markets: Evolution and Outlook

4th Quarter 2019

The Agricultural Production Potential of Latin American: Implications for Global Food Supply and Trade

3rd Quarter 2019

Soil Health Policy in the United States and Abroad

2nd Quarter 2019

The Future of Farm Management Extension

2nd Quarter 2019

The Role of Guest Workers in U.S. Agriculture

1st Quarter 2019

Examining Food Loss and Food Waste in the United States

1st Quarter 2019

America’s Dairy Industry Adapting to Long-Running Structural Pressures

4th Quarter 2018

Engaging Consumers in the Dynamic Local Foods Marketplace

3rd Quarter 2018

The Promise, Expectations, and Remaining Questions About Local Foods

3rd Quarter 2018

U.S.-China Trade Dispute and Potential Impacts to Agriculture

2nd Quarter 2018

The Linkages between Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Regional Food Networks

2nd Quarter 2018

Will Rising Interest Rates Lead to Intensifying Risks for Agriculture?

1st Quarter 2018

Preserving Water Quality: Challenges and Opportunities in Policy Innovation

4th Quarter 2017

Inducing Water Conservation in Agriculture: Institutional and Behavioral Drivers

4th Quarter 2017

Beer, Policy, and a Changing Global Market

3rd Quarter 2017

Global Craft Beer Renaissance

3rd Quarter 2017

U.S. Commodity Markets Respond to Changes in China's Ag Policies

2nd Quarter 2017

Farm Labor Issues in the Face of U.S. Immigration and Health Care Reform

1st Quarter 2017

Transformations in the Food System, Nutritional and Economic Impacts

1st Quarter 2017

Looking Ahead to the Next Farm Bill

4th Quarter 2016

Herbicide Resistance Management

4th Quarter 2016

Addressing the Challenges of Entry into Farming

4th Quarter 2016

Crop Insurance in the 2018/2019 Farm Bill

3rd Quarter 2016

Water Scarcity, Food Production, and Environmental Sustainability—Can Policy Make Sense?

3rd Quarter 2016

A Future Informed by Agricultural and Social Sciences

2nd Quarter 2016

Economic Consequences of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza

2nd Quarter 2016

Farm Finance Theme: Are the Good Times Really Over?

1st Quarter 2016

Producer Impacts of the Food Safety Modernization Act

1st Quarter 2016

Current Issues in Agricultural Contracts

3rd Quarter 2015

Agricultural Grain Transportation: Are We Underinvesting and Why?

3rd Quarter 2015

Climate Change and Agriculture: Revisiting the Evidence and Potential Solutions

2nd Quarter 2015

China as the Leading U.S. Agricultural Export Market

2nd Quarter 2015

Community Economics of Local Foods

1st Quarter 2015

Contemporary Choices in Livestock Production

1st Quarter 2015

Is the Natural Gas Revolution all its Fracked Up to be for Local Economies?

4th Quarter 2014

The 2014 Farm Bill-An Economic Welfare Disaster or Triumph?

3rd Quarter 2014

Food and Poverty

2nd Quarter 2014

Deciphering Key Provisions of the Agricultural Act of 2014

2nd Quarter 2014

Economic and Policy Analysis of Advanced Biofuels

1st Quarter 2014

Higher Education's Roles in Supporting a Rural Renaissance

1st Quarter 2014

Developing Local Food Systems in the South

4th Quarter 2013

Attitudes Toward Risk in a Changing Agricultural Marketing Environment

4th Quarter 2013

Innovations in Nonpoint Source Pollution Policy

3rd Quarter 2013

Current Issues in Risk Management and U.S. Agricultural Policy

3rd Quarter 2013

Transitions in Agriculture

2nd Quarter 2013

The Eurozone Crisis and its Implications for Agriculture in Selected Regions of the World

2nd Quarter 2013

Emerging Issues in Global Animal Product Trade

1st Quarter 2013